Statement Regarding the Recent Turkish Aggression Against Our Regions


To our people and public opinion,

The aerial assaults initiated by the fascist Turkish state on December 23, with the intent of intimidation and extermination, persist to this day. These attacks directly aimed at our people, targeting all their economic resources and the democratic institutions they established with limited capabilities.

Due to the relentless attacks over the past two days, eight members of our national community have been martyred, while eighteen others have sustained injuries. We beseech Allah for mercy upon our martyrs, offer our heartfelt condolences to their families, and express our hopes for a speedy recovery for the wounded.

The fascist Turkish state, led by its dictator Erdogan, employs highly deceptive tactics to manipulate both domestic and international public opinion. They resort to deceitful maneuvers and falsehoods, asserting that they have targeted the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and that the SDF has suffered significant losses among its fighters.

It is crucial and necessary for our people and public opinion to recognize that, as the SDF forces, we have not suffered any losses among our fighters. The areas under attack do not house our fighters; rather, it is our people who are being specifically targeted and subjected to these assaults.

Today, more than ever, we are determined to safeguard our people in every arena and defend against all forms of aggression from the fascist Turkish occupation. The leadership of the fascist Turkish regime must be acutely aware that it stands no chance of success against a loyal and resolute populace. The unity and organized resistance of the peoples of north and eastern Syria can effectively counter and repel these attacks. No adversary, particularly the fascist Turkish state, stands a chance for victory and success when confronted by a people who have organized themselves with unwavering determination.

In the face of all these attacks, it is imperative for our people in northern and eastern Syria to swiftly exhibit immediate responses in self-defense. They should proactively work to solidify the structure and resilience of their organization at the highest levels. Our people must not allow the attacks to advance unchecked and should safeguard their territories and revolution through robust and intensified activities. They must act with awareness and responsibility, refraining from relying solely on external protection but actively joining the ranks of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to secure their defense.

We observe that the silence of the international coalition forces against terrorism and Russia in the face of these attacks is not accurate, and we hope for a clear stance regarding these assaults.


SDF General Command

December 26, 2023

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